Smith & Franklin – Services
Smith and Franklin Academic Publishing Corporation can provide the following services to existing and established journals. In cases where editors or institutions of an existing journal feel compatible with our ethical policies and publication standards we can provide the following:
(i) Developing dedicated webpages on S&F platform
(ii) Providing access to all our Content Management and Manuscript Management Tools
(iii) Training to use and professionally monitor progress in your contents
(iv) Introductions to the latest and state-of-the-art tools in ePublishing.
Smith and Franklin Academic Publishing Corporation can provide following services for both S&F Journals and for Independent Journals at an individual article level.
(i) All formats of e-publications: PDF, HTML, XML, ePUB and eDigital
(ii) Integration of articles with a range of social media.
(iii) Live support to all authors, reviewers, and readers for instant information
(iv) Continuous publication; no waiting time between acceptance and full publication
(v) Individual Article Matrix and Statistics to evaluate impact
(vi) Unlimited submissions of videos and supplementary material
(vii) All articles are bar-coded to facilitate reading by digital mobile devices
(viii) S&F Application are available in Apple Store, Google Play and Amazon to download and read the contents on mobile devices (will be available soon)
(ix) And others