Antibiotic resistance: The last resort

Antibiotic resistance: The last resort As a rule, high-ranking public-health officials try to avoid apocalyptic descriptors. So it was worrying to hear Thomas Frieden and Sally Davies warn of a coming health “nightmare” and a…


H7N9 Influenza Strain Resistant to Antivirals, But Tests Fail to Identify Resistance

Some strains of the avian H7N9 influenza that emerged in China this year have developed resistance to the only antiviral drugs available to treat the infection, but testing for antiviral resistance can give misleading results,…


Natural Pest Control Protein Effective Against Hookworm: A Billion Could Benefit

A benign crystal protein, produced naturally by bacteria and used as an organic pesticide, could be a safe, inexpensive treatment for parasitic worms in humans and provide effective relief to over a billion people around…